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Eucalyptus silk has been gaining popularity as an excellent choice for achieving beautiful skin. This natural and vegan-friendly fabric offers a range of benefits that make it an ideal option for skincare. Whether you're seeking an alternative to conventional beauty products or wanting to enhance your existing routine, the advantages of eucalyptus silk are hard to ignore. In this blog post, we explore the numerous skincare benefits of eucalyptus silk and why it's quickly becoming the top choice for achieving radiant skin. From its sustainability and hypoallergenic nature to its moisture-wicking and anti-acne properties, eucalyptus silk proves to be a game-changer in the world of skincare. We also compare it to other fabrics, highlighting its superiority in terms of comfort, breathability, and anti-aging effects. Furthermore, we delve into why eucalyptus silk is particularly beneficial for people with sensitive skin, and how it excels in providing hydration and combating signs of aging. Lastly, we discuss how eucalyptus silk is an excellent option for individuals with acne-prone skin, thanks to its hypoallergenic, antibacterial, and breathable qualities. In summary, eucalyptus silk offers a multitude of advantages for a wide range of skin concerns, making it a remarkable addition to any skincare routine.

  • 6 min read
The great debate over Vegan Silk vs. Regular Silk has been gaining momentum as people become more conscious of the environmental and ethical implications of fashion. In this blog post, we compare Eucalyptus Silk made from TENCEL™ Lyocell fibres to Mulberry Silk, aiming to help readers make an informed decision on the best option. We explore the differences between the two fabrics, highlighting the sustainability, comfort, durability, and price aspects. Eucalyptus vegan silk emerges as an eco-friendly and cruelty-free alternative to traditional silk, offering similar luxury and breathability. Choosing TENCEL™ Lyocell fibres for vegan silk bedding promotes a greener world, sustainable resource management, and benefits local communities. With its softness, durability, and responsible production process, eucalyptus silk proves to be an excellent choice for those seeking an ethical and high-quality bedding option. By opting for vegan silk, you can enjoy the benefits of silk while making a positive impact on the planet.


  • 8 min read

In the pursuit of a sustainable lifestyle, it is crucial to consider the environmental impact of the products we choose, including our bedding. Eucalyptus fabric, specifically eucalyptus Lyocell, has emerged as an eco-friendly alternative due to its sustainable manufacturing process and numerous benefits. Derived from eucalyptus trees, this fabric, particularly the TENCEL™ Lyocell variant, showcases superior sustainability compared to cotton. With its exceptional softness, breathability, and hypoallergenic properties, eucalyptus fabric offers a luxurious and comfortable sleep experience. Additionally, its antibacterial nature, durability, and temperature-regulating qualities make it an ideal choice for eco-conscious individuals. By selecting touché, a brand that exclusively uses certified TENCEL™ Lyocell, consumers can enjoy the highest quality eucalyptus fabric while contributing to a greener future.

  • 3 min read